Communication Skills Training Singapore

Communication is an indispensable part of our everyday life, be it personal or professional. For interacting with peers, seniors, and subordinates in the professional life, communication plays its impactful role. In order to accomplish any task successfully, possessing effective communication skills is very important.

Outsourcingwise is organizing a workshop on business communication skills training in Singapore, on 14th November 2019.

What Can You Learn During the Workshop?

This training will equip the participants with the business communication skills that are essential in today’s challenging and competitive corporate world. These competencies will help you in building rapport with your peers as well as, your seniors and subordinates in the organization.

  • You will be able to learn how to control and manage your emotions while at work and will also be able to have a positive impact on the others around you.
  • During this workshop, the participants will learn to understand the preferences and perceptions of people.
  • The skills that you will gain through this training session will make you capable enough to overcome any challenging situations in the workplace. 
  • Furthermore, the participants will be given an ideal platform to practice and display their newly acquired competencies through practical training opportunities and hands-on exercises and based on their performances, tailored feedback will be shared for further improvements.



Outline of the Workshop

  • In the communication skills training organized by Outsourcingwise, the participants will learn the communication basics and its different styles.
  • How to interact with the customers and external and internal publics successfully?
  • How to analyze people’s behavior and act accordingly?
  • Learning effective communication techniques to overcome complicated situations.
  • Chalking out unified solutions with the power of skillful communication.
  • Providing feedback in a positive way with scopes for further improvement.
  • Managing stress and working patiently in difficult situations.
  • The participants will learn to be empathetic towards their peers and imbibe a fellow-feeling that can work wonders.
  • Learning voice modulation, which plays an important role in successful communication.
  • Understanding a person with his/her body language is difficult but not impossible. The participants can master this skill during the workshop.
  • Learning the differences between Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Intelligence or Emotional Quotient (EQ) and how to use both skillfully.
  • The individuals will also learn to handle perplexing situations.

Who are the Target Audiences of this Workshop?

Anyone and everyone, who want to enhance their communication abilities for ensuring positive outcomes in the professional and lives, can participate in this workshop in Singapore. 

Are There Any Pre-Requisites?

As mentioned earlier, anyone can participate in this workshop and it can include both group training sessions and individual training. 

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